Set up motion detection email alerts on your Hikvision camera

June 2022 Update: The Gmail method for sending email notifications has stopped working, so I have fully updated & revised this article to use the free web mail service instead.

This tutorial will show you how to set up motion detection email alerts for your Hikvision cameras. You can use these settings even if you use the camera with a Hikvision NVR.

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Ensure your camera’s internet connection is setup correctly

Your camera needs some information so that it can connect to the internet and send the email alert out. If your camera is already set up on your network as per the Hikvision user manual, and you are able to live-view it from the mobile app, you can skip this section.

If you have DHCP ticked (see screenshot below), the camera will have already figured out all the required details. If so leave everything at the default values.

If you do not know your network’s IPv4 details, click here to learn how to obtain these details. I have highlighted the important bits in the screenshot below.

Hikvision Motion Detection Email Alerts Gmail - Network TCPIP Settings - VueVille
Click to enlarge

Ensure motion detection is turned on

With your favourite web browser (I recommend Chrome as it works well with Hikvision without installing any plug-ins), login to your camera using its IP address as the URL. Follow this how-to guide to set up your desired motion detection pages in your camera’s web interface.

Turn on email alerts

Step 1: Make sure email alerts are turned on in each of your motion detection settings pages (Motion Detection, Video Tampering, Face Detection, Line Crossing Detection or Intrusion Detection) as shown below:

Hikvision Motion Detection Email Alerts Gmail - Basic Event Linkage - VueVille
Click to enlarge

Configure your email account from which the camera will send email notifications

We will use Microsoft’s free and unlimited as our mail server for the camera to use while sending email notifications.

After signing up for a new free account, follow the steps below to obtain the email server settings that we will need for the next section.

Step 2: Log in to your outlook account and click on the Settings icon (gear wheel) at the top right of the screen

Step 3: In the pane that slides out from the right, click on “View all Outlook settings”

Click to enlarge

Step 4: Then navigate to Mail >Sync Email and note the SMTP settings highlighted in the screenshot below

Click to enlarge

Configure your email settings in the camera

Next we need to configure the camera as the email ‘sender’- it will use the email account you configured above to send the email alert to a ‘receiver’ account. So the ‘sender’ is the camera and the receiver is the email address(es) that you want to receive the alerts on. Follow the steps below to configure your camera:

Step 5: Click on the configuration tab on the top menu bar.

Step 6: Then navigate to Network and click on ‘Advanced Settings‘ (older cameras have a slightly different menu structure but should have the same settings)

Step 7: Choose the email tab

Step 8: Refer to the screenshot above to fill out this section. Enter the login details of your Outlook account – this is the sender account. Enter the ‘receiver’ account details – this is where the email alerts will be received. I am using my personal Yahoo email address in the screenshot above. Tick ‘Attached Image’ if you would like snapshots of the motion detected as well.

Test your settings

Step 9: Click the Test button. You should see the “Testing Succeeded” message and receive a test email at the ‘receiver’ address(es).

If not, you need to ensure that all settings such as TCP/IP and email settings are entered correctly as in the screenshots above.

Save your settings

Step 10: Finally save your settings by clicking the Save button.

Now test your email alerts by intentionally setting off the motion detection of your camera. You should get an email alert within 60 seconds.


You may occasionally find that you no longer receive alerts. This could be because of two reasons:

  • Most email providers like Gmail/Yahoo may automatically mark the alerts as spam and move these emails to the Junk folder – it will treat the sender address as a suspicious sender due to repeated motion detection email alerts being sent day in and day out. Simply choose the option to treat the ‘sender’ address as a trusted email address and this behaviour should stop.
  • A misconfiguration in your motion detection settings could trigger a large burst of notification emails in a very short span of time. While I have not experienced it personally, free email service providers may not like a barrage or incessant stream of notifications, and may temporarily stop accepting email relay requests from your camera. A premium service like Sendinblue that will not throttle or limit email delivery in this manner.
Daniel Ross

Daniel Ross

I am Daniel and VueVille is where I document my DIY smart home journey. I focus on 100% local-processing and local-storage because that’s the only way to secure my family’s safety and privacy. Oh and I don’t like monthly subscriptions!

  1. Daniel, thanks, shame. I like the Hikvision because the IR Cube models have integrated PIR, but I also find the picture quality fantastic. I have several Foscams on my network, which I am now replacing with Hikvision cameras for this reason, and because I am in a Mac environment and I have therefore had problems with the fact that Foscam/Amcrest require plugins to be installed each time they are viewed – which is not possible from an iPad or iPhone.

    In the meantime however I have figured how to get the Hikvisions working with PIR detection in Synology Surveillance station – though it is still far from perfect because the SS equivalent of Home and Away mode is full of bugs and works poorly. Vera on the other hand seems remarkably robust and the geofence has so far proven very good. But as yet no way of using the Hikvision PIR sensors as triggers!!

    Great website and resource by the way.

  2. Hi Daniel

    Have you managed to integrate the Hikvision with a Vera unit? Mine works fine with Vera – there are some issues around getting the image address but once the correct text is used it works perfectly – except that I have yet to discover a way on integrating the PIR or other alerts into the Vera, or of arming and disarming the Hikvision cameras from Vera. Any suggestions or tips would be gratefully received as its a bit of a black hole at the moment in terms of setting up a good home surveillance system that can easily be armed and disarmed. The geofence in Vera works excellently so it would be the perfect trigger (as opposed to in my Synology Surveillance station where it is dreadful)


    • Giles, no I have not integrated the Hikvision with the Vera yet. Hikvision seems to want to make it as difficult as possible by not opening up the API their cameras use. The Amcrest cameras on the other hand can be integrated with the Vera and is a great option.

  3. Hello,

    I got the gmail settings to work and it was great for about a day and then it suddenly stopped working, i looked at the spam folder and there was nothing in it. I did some research and someone mentioned that it may be a spf record error. here is the exact quote

    . “your SPF record has “a” record and the “a” record points to a specific IP address that is different from the IP address that you are sending from”

    So if i am understanding this correctly, because my ip camera has an internal dummy address and its sending out through the router ip(gateway) its causing the email to be blocked

    i can still send a test email and receive it but not a alert email.

  4. Mine was working fine until a few weeks ago and I stopped receiving email and I got error “Testing failed” even though I have not changed anything. Any idea what I can do. I am using a GMX.US email.

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